Harris St, Alexandria LA address records

On 16-2081 Harris St, Alexandria LA we have 50 property listings.
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Harris St, Alexandria LA street index

Property Number Properties Residents
1-2099 48 141
2100-2399 36 130
2400-2699 46 183
2700-5699 42 151
5700+ 12 26

16 Harris St, Alexandria, LA

1333 Harris St, Alexandria, LA

1402 Harris St, Alexandria, LA

1407 Harris St, Alexandria, LA

1600 Harris St, Alexandria, LA

Petron Inc

1615 Harris St, Alexandria, LA

1700 Harris St, Alexandria, LA

1813 Harris St, Alexandria, LA

1822 Harris St, Alexandria, LA

1823 Harris St, Alexandria, LA

1824 Harris St, Alexandria, LA

1831 Harris St, Alexandria, LA

1833 Harris St, Alexandria, LA

1838 Harris St, Alexandria, LA

1842 Harris St, Alexandria, LA

1844 Harris St, Alexandria, LA

1846 Harris St, Alexandria, LA

Lot: 1.95 acres

1846B Harris St, Alexandria, LA

1881 Harris St, Alexandria, LA

1883 Harris St, Alexandria, LA

1885 Harris St, Alexandria, LA

1887 Harris St, Alexandria, LA

Lot: 2.93 acres

1900 Harris St, Alexandria, LA

1910 Harris St, Alexandria, LA

Lot: 4.89 acres

1925 Harris St, Alexandria, LA

Lot: 0.98 acres

1929 Harris St, Alexandria, LA

Single-Family Home
Lot: 1.95 acres

1932 Harris St, Alexandria, LA

1954 Harris St, Alexandria, LA

Lot: 1.95 acres

1958 Harris St, Alexandria, LA

1966 Harris St, Alexandria, LA

Single-Family Home
Lot: 1.95 acres

1967 Harris St, Alexandria, LA

Single-Family Home
Lot: 1.95 acres

1979 Harris St, Alexandria, LA

1982 Harris St, Alexandria, LA

Lot: 1.95 acres

1984 Harris St, Alexandria, LA

1985 Harris St, Alexandria, LA

2024 Harris St, Alexandria, LA

2030 Harris St, Alexandria, LA

Lot: 1.95 acres

2031 Harris St, Alexandria, LA

Single-Family Home
Lot: 1.95 acres

2041 Harris St, Alexandria, LA

2057 Harris St, Alexandria, LA

Lot: 1.95 acres

2068 Harris St, Alexandria, LA

2077 Harris St, Alexandria, LA

2078 Harris St, Alexandria, LA

Single Family
Lot: 2 acres

2081 Harris St, Alexandria, LA

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