Elliott St, Alexandria LA address records

On 415-1580 Elliott St, Alexandria LA we have 45 property listings.
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Elliott St, Alexandria LA street index

Property Number Properties Residents
400-1699 38 192
1700-1999 41 170
2000-2299 29 150
2300-2799 48 287
2800-3399 48 203
3400+ 7 31

415 Elliott St, Alexandria, LA

430 Elliott St, Alexandria, LA

Dr Nirupma Verma

501 Elliott St, Alexandria, LA

Rapides School Board

604 Elliott St, Alexandria, LA

Single Family
Lot: 2 acres

620 Elliott St, Alexandria, LA

725 Elliott St, Alexandria, LA

802 Elliott St, Alexandria, LA

804 Elliott St, Alexandria, LA

820 Elliott St, Alexandria, LA

821 Elliott St, Alexandria, LA

1228 Elliott St, Alexandria, LA

1238 Elliott St, Alexandria, LA

Lot: 3.91 acres

1239 Elliott St, Alexandria, LA

Lot: 1.95 acres

1243 Elliott St, Alexandria, LA

1245 Elliott St, Alexandria, LA

Lot: 0.98 acres

1304 Elliott St, Alexandria, LA

Lot: 1.95 acres

1308 Elliott St, Alexandria, LA

1320 Elliott St, Alexandria, LA

1330 Elliott St, Alexandria, LA

Lot: 1.95 acres

1332 Elliott St, Alexandria, LA

1404 Elliott St, Alexandria, LA

1406 Elliott St, Alexandria, LA

Single Family
Lot: 2 acres

1413 Elliott St, Alexandria, LA

1414 Elliott St, Alexandria, LA

Single Family
Lot: 2 acres

1417 Elliott St, Alexandria, LA

1419 Elliott St, Alexandria, LA

Lot: 0.98 acres

1421 Elliott St, Alexandria, LA

Lot: 1.95 acres

1424 Elliott St, Alexandria, LA

Lot: 1.95 acres

1430 Elliott St, Alexandria, LA

Lot: 1.95 acres

1501 Elliott St, Alexandria, LA

1503 Elliott St, Alexandria, LA

Single Family
Lot: 2 acres

1505 Elliott St, Alexandria, LA

Lot: 1.95 acres

1523 Elliott St, Alexandria, LA

Single-Family Home
Lot: 1.95 acres

1525 Elliott St, Alexandria, LA

1529 Elliott St, Alexandria, LA

1580 Elliott St, Alexandria, LA

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