Myers Lake Ave, Sand Lake MI address records

On 13418-16071 Myers Lake Ave, Sand Lake MI we have 48 property listings. The average home sale price on Myers Lake Ave has been $67k.
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Myers Lake Ave, Sand Lake MI street index

Property Number Properties Residents
13400-16099 47 97
16100-17699 47 160
17700+ 7 24

13418 Myers Lake Ave, Sand Lake, MI

13650 Myers Lake Ave, Sand Lake, MI

13760 Myers Lake Ave, Sand Lake, MI

13770 Myers Lake Ave, Sand Lake, MI

13837 Myers Lake Ave, Sand Lake, MI

13865 Myers Lake Ave, Sand Lake, MI

13885 Myers Lake Ave, Sand Lake, MI

13910 Myers Lake Ave, Sand Lake, MI

13951 Myers Lake Ave, Sand Lake, MI

14055 Myers Lake Ave, Sand Lake, MI

14081 Myers Lake Ave, Sand Lake, MI

14191 Myers Lake Ave, Sand Lake, MI

14235 Myers Lake Ave, Sand Lake, MI

14265 Myers Lake Ave, Sand Lake, MI

14417 Myers Lake Ave, Sand Lake, MI

14470 Myers Lake Ave, Sand Lake, MI

14510 Myers Lake Ave, Sand Lake, MI

14545 Myers Lake Ave, Sand Lake, MI

14601 Myers Lake Ave, Sand Lake, MI

14725 Myers Lake Ave, Sand Lake, MI

15010 Myers Lake Ave, Sand Lake, MI

15101 Myers Lake Ave, Sand Lake, MI

15155 Myers Lake Ave, Sand Lake, MI

15177 Myers Lake Ave, Sand Lake, MI

15210 Myers Lake Ave, Sand Lake, MI

15224 Myers Lake Ave, Sand Lake, MI

15268 Myers Lake Ave, Sand Lake, MI

15465 Myers Lake Ave, Sand Lake, MI 49343

Single Family Residential
Lot: 14.66 acres

15503 Myers Lake Ave, Sand Lake, MI 49343

15505 Myers Lake Ave, Sand Lake, MI 49343

Single Family Residential
Lot: 4.94 acres

15550 Myers Lake Ave, Sand Lake, MI 49343

Single Family Residential
Lot: 4.94 acres

15650 Myers Lake Ave, Sand Lake, MI 49343

Single Family Residential
Lot: 2.44 acres

15665 Myers Lake Ave, Sand Lake, MI 49343

Single Family Residential

15700 Myers Lake Ave, Sand Lake, MI 49343

15775 Myers Lake Ave, Sand Lake, MI 49343

Lot: 7.82 acres

15780 Myers Lake Ave, Sand Lake, MI 49343

Single Family Residential
Lot: 19.54 acres

15800 Myers Lake Ave, Sand Lake, MI 49343

Single Family Residential
Lot: 9.77 acres

16000 Myers Lake Ave, Sand Lake, MI 49343

Single Family Residential
Lot: 9.77 acres
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House prices on 13418-16071 Myers Lake Ave, Sand+Lake MI

15465155501566515775158001587515944159801601516071House Number$0$10k$20k$30k$40k$50k$60k$70k$80k$90k$100k$110k$120k$130k$140k$150k$160k$170k$180kPrices

List of streets in 49343