7Th St, Princeton MN address records

On 61-611 7Th St, Princeton MN we have 49 property listings. The average home sale price on 7Th St has been $123k. We have 1 sale listing. Sale starting with $91k.
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7Th St, Princeton MN street index

Property Number Properties Residents
1-699 49 258
700-3699 49 230
3700+ 32 170

61 7th St, Princeton, MN

68 7th St, Princeton, MN

101 7th St, Princeton, MN

106 7th St, Princeton, MN

108 7th St, Princeton, MN

110 7th St, Princeton, MN

112 7th St, Princeton, MN

201 7th St, Princeton, MN

204 7th St, Princeton, MN

205 7th St, Princeton, MN

206 7th St, Princeton, MN

207 7th St, Princeton, MN

208 7th St, Princeton, MN

209 7th St, Princeton, MN

211 7th St, Princeton, MN

212 7th St, Princeton, MN

302 7th St, Princeton, MN

303 7th St, Princeton, MN

305 7th St, Princeton, MN

306 7th St, Princeton, MN

307 7th St, Princeton, MN

310 7th St, Princeton, MN

311 7th St, Princeton, MN

312 7th St, Princeton, MN

401 7th St, Princeton, MN

402 7th St, Princeton, MN 55371

Single Family Residential

404 7th St, Princeton, MN 55371

405 7th St, Princeton, MN

407 7th St, Princeton, MN

409 7th St, Princeton, MN

411 7th St, Princeton, MN

412 7th St, Princeton, MN 55371

414 7th St, Princeton, MN 55371

501 7th St, Princeton, MN 55371

502 7th St, Princeton, MN 55371

High Rise

503 7th St, Princeton, MN 55371

505 7th St, Princeton, MN 55371

506 7th St, Princeton, MN 55371

Single Family Residential

507 7th St, Princeton, MN 55371

High Rise

508 7th St, Princeton, MN 55371

509 7th St, Princeton, MN 55371

601 7th St, Princeton, MN

605 7th St, Princeton, MN

606 7th St, Princeton, MN 55371

Single Family Residential

607 7th St, Princeton, MN

608 7th St, Princeton, MN 55371

609 7th St, Princeton, MN

610 7th St, Princeton, MN 55371

611 7th St, Princeton, MN

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