99Th Ave, Portland OR address records

On 6002-10687 99Th Ave, Portland OR we have 46 property listings. The average home sale price on 99Th Ave has been $144k.

99Th Ave, Portland OR street index

Property Number Properties Residents
1-299 42 165
300-1199 49 485
1200-3999 44 204
4000-4599 46 257
4600-4799 28 210
4800-5099 44 219
5100-5999 42 248
6000-10699 44 127
10700+ 13 27

6002 99th Ave, Portland, OR

Single Family Residential
2 beds1 bathLot: 9,148 sqftBuilt in 1953

6013 99th Ave, Portland, OR

Single Family Residential
2 beds2 bathsLot: 5,663 sqftBuilt in 1926

6015 99th Ave, Portland, OR

6017 99th Ave, Portland, OR

6018 99th Ave, Portland, OR

Sold Apr 2019 $310,000
Single Family Residential
3 beds1 bathLot: 4,356 sqftBuilt in 1954
6018 99th Ave, Portland, OR

6025 99th Ave, Portland, OR

Single Family Residential
3 beds1 bathLot: 5,663 sqftBuilt in 1956

6031 99th Ave, Portland, OR

Single Family Residential
3 beds1 bathLot: 5,663 sqftBuilt in 1911

6034 99th Ave, Portland, OR

Single Family Residential
3 beds1 bathLot: 6,098 sqftBuilt in 1954

6041 99th Ave, Portland, OR

6104 99th Ave, Portland, OR

Single Family Residential
2 beds1 bathLot: 9,148 sqftBuilt in 1912

6111 99th Ave, Portland, OR

6404 99th Ave, Portland, OR

6410 99th Ave, Portland, OR

6420 99th Ave, Portland, OR

6517 99th Ave, Portland, OR

Single Family Residential
3 beds1 bathLot: 3,049 sqftBuilt in 1925

8614 99th Ave, Portland, OR

9915 99th Ave, Portland, OR

9930 99th Ave, Portland, OR

9935 99th Ave, Portland, OR

9940 99th Ave, Portland, OR

9945 99th Ave, Portland, OR

9950 99th Ave, Portland, OR

9955 99th Ave, Portland, OR

9960 99th Ave, Portland, OR

9990 99th Ave, Portland, OR

10002 99th Ave, Portland, OR

10017 99th Ave, Portland, OR

10037 99th Ave, Portland, OR

10057 99th Ave, Portland, OR

10132 99th Ave, Portland, OR

10147 99th Ave, Portland, OR

10152 99th Ave, Portland, OR

10172 99th Ave, Portland, OR

10222 99th Ave, Portland, OR

10242 99th Ave, Portland, OR

10257 99th Ave, Portland, OR

10262 99th Ave, Portland, OR

10307 99th Ave, Portland, OR

10327 99th Ave, Portland, OR

10332 99th Ave, Portland, OR

10367 99th Ave, Portland, OR

10417 99th Ave, Portland, OR

10437 99th Ave, Portland, OR

10555 99th Ave, Portland, OR

10617 99th Ave, Portland, OR

10687 99th Ave, Portland, OR

List of streets in 97220