Falmouth St, Portland ME address records

On 1-99 Falmouth St, Portland ME we have 57 property listings.
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Falmouth St, Portland ME street index

Property Number Properties Residents
1-99 56 638
100-199 40 254
200-299 36 112
300+ 41 114

1 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 04103 1 Falmouth St, Falmouth, ME 04103

2 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 04103 2 Falmouth St, Falmouth, ME 04103

5 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 04103 5 Falmouth St, Falmouth, ME 04103

6 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 04103 6 Falmouth St, Falmouth, ME 04103

7 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 04103 7 Falmouth St, Falmouth, ME 04103

9 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 04103 9 Falmouth St, Falmouth, ME 04103

10 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 04103 10 Falmouth St, Falmouth, ME 04103

13 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 04103 13 Falmouth St, Falmouth, ME 04103

17 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 04103 17 Falmouth St, Falmouth, ME 04103

19 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 04103

High Rise

20 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 20 Falmouth St, Falmouth, ME

21 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 04103 21 Falmouth St, Falmouth, ME 04103

22 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 22 Falmouth St, Falmouth, ME

25 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 04103 25 Falmouth St, Falmouth, ME 04103

Sold Aug 2021 $523,000
2 baths10,454 sqft

25B Falmouth St, Portland, ME

28 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 28 Falmouth St, Falmouth, ME

29 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 04103 29 Falmouth St, Falmouth, ME 04103

Sold Aug 2021 $375,000

30 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 30 Falmouth St, Falmouth, ME

31 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 04103 31 Falmouth St, Falmouth, ME 04103

33 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 04103 33 Falmouth St, Falmouth, ME 04103

34 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 34 Falmouth St, Falmouth, ME

36 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 36 Falmouth St, Falmouth, ME

37 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 04103

38 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 38 Falmouth St, Falmouth, ME

39 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 04103

40 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 40 Falmouth St, Falmouth, ME

41 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 04103

42 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 42 Falmouth St, Falmouth, ME

43 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 04103 43 Falmouth St, Falmouth, ME 04103

45 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 04103 45 Falmouth St, Falmouth, ME 04103

High Rise

47 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 04103

48 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 48 Falmouth St, Falmouth, ME

49 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 04103 49 Falmouth St, Falmouth, ME 04103

High Rise

52 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 52 Falmouth St, Falmouth, ME

53 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 04103 53 Falmouth St, Falmouth, ME 04103

57 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 04103 57 Falmouth St, Falmouth, ME 04103

High Rise

59 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 04103

61 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 04103

65 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 04103 65 Falmouth St, Falmouth, ME 04103

69 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 04103

70 Falmouth St, Portland, ME

73 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 04103 73 Falmouth St, Falmouth, ME 04103

74 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 74 Falmouth St, Falmouth, ME

75 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 04103

77 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 04103 77 Falmouth St, Falmouth, ME 04103

79 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 04103

Sold Aug 2021 $998,000
High Rise
7 baths6,534 sqft

80 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 80 Falmouth St, Falmouth, ME

83 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 04103 83 Falmouth St, Falmouth, ME 04103

84 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 84 Falmouth St, Falmouth, ME

85 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 04103

High Rise

91 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 04103 91 Falmouth St, Falmouth, ME 04103

93 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 04103 93 Falmouth St, Falmouth, ME 04103

High Rise

95 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 04103 95 Falmouth St, Falmouth, ME 04103

96 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 04103 96 Falmouth St, Falmouth, ME 04103 ; 96 Falmouth St, West Newfield, ME 04103

97 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 04103 97 Falmouth St, Falmouth, ME 04103

99 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 04103

3 beds1 bathLot: 1200 sqft
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List of streets in 04103