Ossipee Trl, Porter ME address records

On 502-1191 Ossipee Trl, Porter ME we have 38 property listings.
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Ossipee Trl, Porter ME street index

Property Number Properties Residents
1-499 37 101
500+ 29 76

502 Ossipee Trl, Porter, ME 04068

Sold Nov 2022 $298,000
2 beds2 bathsLot: 1,600 sqft
502 Ossipee Trl, Porter, ME 04068

504 Ossipee Trl, Porter, ME 04068

Sold Feb 2022 $280,000
3 baths261,360 sqft
504 Ossipee Trl, Porter, ME 04068

509 Ossipee Trl, Porter, ME 04068

518 Ossipee Trl, Porter, ME 04068

Sold Aug 2021 $130,000
2 beds1 bathLot: 0.4 acres

520 Ossipee Trl, Porter, ME 04068

530 Ossipee Trl, Porter, ME 04068

539 Ossipee Trl, Porter, ME 04068

543 Ossipee Trl, Porter, ME 04068

3 beds1 bathLot: 2.78 acres

548 Ossipee Trl, Porter, ME 04068


552 Ossipee Trl, Porter, ME 04068

For Sale $159,000
2 beds1 bathLot: 780 sqft

555 Ossipee Trl, Porter, ME 04068

Lot: 942 sqft

565 Ossipee Trl, Porter, ME 04068

569 Ossipee Trl, Porter, ME 04068

576 Ossipee Trl, Porter, ME 04068

587 Ossipee Trl, Porter, ME 04068

605 Ossipee Trl, Porter, ME 04068

607 Ossipee Trl, Porter, ME 04068

611 Ossipee Trl, Porter, ME 04068

673 Ossipee Trl, Porter, ME 04068

679 Ossipee Trl, Porter, ME 04068

682 Ossipee Trl, Porter, ME 04068

690 Ossipee Trl, Porter, ME 04068

842 Ossipee Trl, Porter, ME 04068

For Sale $100,000
1 bed1 bathLot: 768 sqft
842 Ossipee Trl, Porter, ME 04068

851 Ossipee Trl, Porter, ME 04068

964 Ossipee Trl, Porter, ME 04068

1095 Ossipee Trl, Porter, ME 04068

Sold Jun 2021 $300,000
2 beds1 bathLot: 1,410 sqft

1108 Ossipee Trl, Porter, ME 04068

Sold Sep 2022 $140,000
2 beds1 bathLot: 480 sqft

1115 Ossipee Trl, Porter, ME 04068

3 beds2 baths1,034 sqft

1135 Ossipee Trl, Porter, ME 04068

1148 Ossipee Trl, Porter, ME 04068

1191 Ossipee Trl, Porter, ME 04068

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List of streets in 04068