29Th St, Paterson NJ address records

On 2-299 29Th St, Paterson NJ we have 20 property listings. The average home sale price on 29Th St has been $293k. We have 7 sales listing. Sale starting with $186k.
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29Th St, Paterson NJ street index

Property Number Properties Residents
1-299 19 58
300-399 68 522
400-499 68 496
500-599 35 270
600-81499 49 309
81500+ 5 5

2 29th St, Paterson, NJ

39 29th St, Paterson, NJ

229 29th St, Paterson, NJ

234 29th St, Paterson, NJ

248 29th St, Paterson, NJ

254 29th St, Paterson, NJ

263 29th St, Paterson, NJ

266 29th St, Paterson, NJ

283 29th St, Paterson, NJ

287 29th St, Paterson, NJ

291 29th St, Paterson, NJ

6 beds4 baths

293 29th St, Paterson, NJ

6 beds4 baths

295 29th St, Paterson, NJ

296 29th St, Paterson, NJ

Sold Aug 2018 $215,000
2 beds1 bath

297 29th St, Paterson, NJ

298 29th St, Paterson, NJ

2 beds1 bath

299 29th St, Paterson, NJ

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List of streets in 07514