7Th St, Jersey City NJ address records

On 2-199 7Th St, Jersey City NJ we have 23 property listings. The average home sale price on 7Th St has been $459k. We have 14 sales and 5 rent listings. Sale starting with $72k.
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7Th St, Jersey City NJ street index

Property Number Properties Residents
1-199 23 82
200-299 85 1129
300-399 69 786
400+ 20 28

2 7th St, Jersey City, NJ

6 7th St, Jersey City, NJ

23 7th St, Jersey City, NJ

32 7th St, Jersey City, NJ

43 7th St, Jersey City, NJ

45 7th St, Jersey City, NJ

90 7th St, Jersey City, NJ

107 7th St, Jersey City, NJ

110 7th St, Jersey City, NJ

125 7th St, Jersey City, NJ 125 7th St, Pershing, NJ

129 7th St, Jersey City, NJ

133 7th St, Jersey City, NJ

135 7th St, Jersey City, NJ

154 7th St, Jersey City, NJ

155 7th St, Jersey City, NJ

165 7th St, Jersey City, NJ

171 7th St, Jersey City, NJ

179 7th St, Jersey City, NJ

185 7th St, Jersey City, NJ

193 7th St, Jersey City, NJ

Single Family
Lot: 3,001 sqftBuilt in 1979

195 7th St, Jersey City, NJ

Single Family Residential
Lot: 2,500 sqft

197 7th St, Jersey City, NJ

Single Family
Lot: 2,500 sqft

199 7th St, Jersey City, NJ

Single Family Residential
Lot: 1,999 sqft
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List of streets in 07302