Fox Creek Xing, Holly Springs GA address records

On 100-144 Fox Creek Xing, Holly Springs GA we have 29 property listings.
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Fox Creek Xing, Holly Springs GA street index

Property Number Properties Residents
100-199 28 60
200-499 42 71
500-599 85 189
600+ 8 16

100 Fox Creek Xing, Holly Springs, GA 100 Fox Creek Xing, Woodstock, GA

103 Fox Creek Xing, Holly Springs, GA 103 Fox Creek Xing, Woodstock, GA

105 Fox Creek Xing, Holly Springs, GA 105 Fox Creek Xing, Woodstock, GA

107 Fox Creek Xing, Holly Springs, GA 107 Fox Creek Xing, Woodstock, GA

110 Fox Creek Xing, Holly Springs, GA 110 Fox Creek Xing, Woodstock, GA

112 Fox Creek Xing, Holly Springs, GA 112 Fox Creek Xing, Woodstock, GA

113 Fox Creek Xing, Holly Springs, GA 113 Fox Creek Xing, Woodstock, GA

114 Fox Creek Xing, Holly Springs, GA 114 Fox Creek Xing, Woodstock, GA

115 Fox Creek Xing, Holly Springs, GA 115 Fox Creek Xing, Woodstock, GA

116 Fox Creek Xing, Holly Springs, GA 116 Fox Creek Xing, Woodstock, GA

117 Fox Creek Xing, Holly Springs, GA 117 Fox Creek Xing, Woodstock, GA

Sold Apr 2021 $230,000
2 beds2 baths
117 Fox Creek Xing, Holly Springs, GA

119 Fox Creek Xing, Holly Springs, GA 119 Fox Creek Xing, Woodstock, GA

121 Fox Creek Xing, Holly Springs, GA 121 Fox Creek Xing, Woodstock, GA

123 Fox Creek Xing, Holly Springs, GA 123 Fox Creek Xing, Woodstock, GA

125 Fox Creek Xing, Holly Springs, GA 125 Fox Creek Xing, Woodstock, GA

128 Fox Creek Xing, Holly Springs, GA 128 Fox Creek Xing, Woodstock, GA

129 Fox Creek Xing, Holly Springs, GA 129 Fox Creek Xing, Woodstock, GA

130 Fox Creek Xing, Holly Springs, GA 130 Fox Creek Xing, Woodstock, GA

133 Fox Creek Xing, Holly Springs, GA 133 Fox Creek Xing, Woodstock, GA

134 Fox Creek Xing, Holly Springs, GA 134 Fox Creek Xing, Woodstock, GA

135 Fox Creek Xing, Holly Springs, GA 135 Fox Creek Xing, Woodstock, GA

136 Fox Creek Xing, Holly Springs, GA 136 Fox Creek Xing, Woodstock, GA

137 Fox Creek Xing, Holly Springs, GA 137 Fox Creek Xing, Woodstock, GA

138 Fox Creek Xing, Holly Springs, GA 138 Fox Creek Xing, Woodstock, GA

139 Fox Creek Xing, Holly Springs, GA 139 Fox Creek Xing, Woodstock, GA

140 Fox Creek Xing, Holly Springs, GA 140 Fox Creek Xing, Woodstock, GA

142 Fox Creek Xing, Holly Springs, GA 142 Fox Creek Xing, Woodstock, GA

144 Fox Creek Xing, Holly Springs, GA 144 Fox Creek Xing, Woodstock, GA

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