7Th St, Granite Falls MN address records

On 10-796 7Th St, Granite Falls MN we have 49 property listings.
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7Th St, Granite Falls MN street index

Property Number Properties Residents
1-799 46 291
800+ 41 124

10 7th St, Granite Falls, MN

15 7th St, Granite Falls, MN

15O 7th St, Granite Falls, MN

150 7th St, Granite Falls, MN

210 7th St, Granite Falls, MN

225 7th St, Granite Falls, MN

235 7th St, Granite Falls, MN

245 7th St, Granite Falls, MN

255 7th St, Granite Falls, MN

265 7th St, Granite Falls, MN

275 7th St, Granite Falls, MN

295 7th St, Granite Falls, MN

310 7th St, Granite Falls, MN

320 7th St, Granite Falls, MN

335 7th St, Granite Falls, MN

340 7th St, Granite Falls, MN

350 7th St, Granite Falls, MN

360 7th St, Granite Falls, MN

370 7th St, Granite Falls, MN

375 7th St, Granite Falls, MN

380 7th St, Granite Falls, MN

385 7th St, Granite Falls, MN

400 7th St, Granite Falls, MN

410 7th St, Granite Falls, MN

514 7th St, Granite Falls, MN 56241

Sold Mar 2021 $218,000
3 beds4 baths

526 7th St, Granite Falls, MN 56241

538 7th St, Granite Falls, MN 56241

550 7th St, Granite Falls, MN 56241

564 7th St, Granite Falls, MN 56241

For Sale $270,000
4 beds2 bathsLot: 2,436 sqft

590 7th St, Granite Falls, MN 56241

640 7th St, Granite Falls, MN 56241

645 7th St, Granite Falls, MN 56241

Sold Jun 2021 $195,000
4 beds2 baths

660 7th St, Granite Falls, MN 56241

680 7th St, Granite Falls, MN 56241

690 7th St, Granite Falls, MN 56241

Sold Jun 2021 $184,900
3 beds2 bathsLot: 2,447 sqft
690 7th St, Granite Falls, MN 56241

695 7th St, Granite Falls, MN 56241

706 7th St, Granite Falls, MN 56241

708 7th St, Granite Falls, MN 56241

729 7th St, Granite Falls, MN 56241

Sold Mar 2021 $110,000
3 beds2 baths

736 7th St, Granite Falls, MN 56241

737 7th St, Granite Falls, MN 56241

762 7th St, Granite Falls, MN 56241

774 7th St, Granite Falls, MN 56241

783 7th St, Granite Falls, MN 56241

784 7th St, Granite Falls, MN 56241

793 7th St, Granite Falls, MN 56241

796 7th St, Granite Falls, MN 56241

Sold Jun 2022 $65,000
3 beds1 bathLot: 1,104 sqft
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List of streets in 56241