Monroe St, Goodyear AZ address records

On 6129-15741 Monroe St, Goodyear AZ we have 40 property listings. The average home sale price on Monroe St has been $179k. We have 11 sales listing. Sale starting with $127k.
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Monroe St, Goodyear AZ street index

Property Number Properties Residents
6100-15799 35 115
15800-16099 49 237
16100-16399 43 165
16400-16799 48 133
16800-17399 43 41
17400+ 12 14

6129 Monroe St, Goodyear, AZ

12554 Monroe St, Goodyear, AZ

12566 Monroe St, Goodyear, AZ

13367 Monroe St, Goodyear, AZ

15105 Monroe St, Goodyear, AZ

Single Family
75 baths2,023 sqftBuilt in 2004

15106 Monroe St, Goodyear, AZ

4 beds75 bathsLot: 6,580 sqftBuilt in 2004

15113 Monroe St, Goodyear, AZ

Single Family
4 beds2 baths2,023 sqftBuilt in 2004

15114 Monroe St, Goodyear, AZ

Sold Aug 2016 $162,000
4 beds75 bathsLot: 6,435 sqftBuilt in 2004
15114 Monroe St, Goodyear, AZ

15121 Monroe St, Goodyear, AZ

4 beds75 baths2,013 sqftBuilt in 2004

15122 Monroe St, Goodyear, AZ

75 bathsLot: 6,435 sqftBuilt in 2004

15127 Monroe St, Goodyear, AZ

Single Family
75 baths1,819 sqftBuilt in 2004

15135 Monroe St, Goodyear, AZ

Sold Aug 2015 $181,000
3 beds75 bathsLot: 6,049 sqftBuilt in 2004
15135 Monroe St, Goodyear, AZ

15138 Monroe St, Goodyear, AZ

4 beds5 bathsLot: 6,435 sqftBuilt in 2004

15143 Monroe St, Goodyear, AZ

75 bathsLot: 6,050 sqftBuilt in 2004

15146 Monroe St, Goodyear, AZ

4 beds75 bathsLot: 6,435 sqftBuilt in 2004

15151 Monroe St, Goodyear, AZ

4 beds75 bathsLot: 6,049 sqftBuilt in 2004

15154 Monroe St, Goodyear, AZ

4 beds75 bathsLot: 6,435 sqftBuilt in 2004

15159 Monroe St, Goodyear, AZ

Single Family
3 beds2 bathsLot: 6,050 sqftBuilt in 2004

15162 Monroe St, Goodyear, AZ

75 bathsLot: 6,435 sqftBuilt in 2004

15167 Monroe St, Goodyear, AZ

4 beds75 bathsLot: 6,049 sqftBuilt in 2004

15172 Monroe St, Goodyear, AZ

75 bathsLot: 6,435 sqftBuilt in 2004

15175 Monroe St, Goodyear, AZ

75 bathsLot: 6,050 sqftBuilt in 2004

15180 Monroe St, Goodyear, AZ

Single Family
4 beds2 baths1,820 sqftBuilt in 2004

15188 Monroe St, Goodyear, AZ

4 beds75 bathsLot: 6,569 sqftBuilt in 2004

15225 Monroe St, Goodyear, AZ

2 bathsLot: 5,499 sqftBuilt in 2005

15233 Monroe St, Goodyear, AZ

Single Family
4 beds2 baths1,712 sqftBuilt in 2005

15241 Monroe St, Goodyear, AZ

Single Family
4 beds2 baths1,712 sqftBuilt in 2004

15249 Monroe St, Goodyear, AZ

2 bathsLot: 5,500 sqftBuilt in 2004

15257 Monroe St, Goodyear, AZ

4 beds5 bathsLot: 5,499 sqftBuilt in 2004

15265 Monroe St, Goodyear, AZ

Sold Apr 2018 $206,600
2 bathsLot: 6,050 sqftBuilt in 2005

15273 Monroe St, Goodyear, AZ

Single Family
4 beds5 bathsLot: 5,499 sqftBuilt in 2004

15281 Monroe St, Goodyear, AZ

5 bathsLot: 5,500 sqftBuilt in 2003

15289 Monroe St, Goodyear, AZ

3 beds2 bathsLot: 5,499 sqftBuilt in 2003

15297 Monroe St, Goodyear, AZ

Single Family
3 beds2 bathsLot: 6,019 sqftBuilt in 2004
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House prices on 6129-15741 Monroe St, Goodyear AZ

15105151131512115127151351514315151151591516715175151881523315249152651528115297House Number$0$20k$40k$60k$80k$100k$120k$140k$160k$180k$200k$220k$240k$260k$280k$300kPrices

List of streets in 85338