Anita Ln, Glide OR address records

On 221-421 Anita Ln, Glide OR we have 19 property listings. The average home sale price on Anita Ln has been $72k. We have 2 sales listing. Sale starting with $20k.

221 Anita Ln, Glide, OR

Single Family Residential
3 beds2 bathsLot: 1.05 acresBuilt in 1996

259 Anita Ln, Glide, OR

Single Family Residential
2 beds1 bathLot: 0.44 acres

271 Anita Ln, Glide, OR

Single Family Residential
2 beds1 bathLot: 0.42 acresBuilt in 1973

286 Anita Ln, Glide, OR

Sold Mar 2019 $150,000
Single Family Residential
2 beds1 bathLot: 0.45 acresBuilt in 1977
286 Anita Ln, Glide, OR

303 Anita Ln, Glide, OR

2 beds5 bathsLot: 0.4 acresBuilt in 1973

310 Anita Ln, Glide, OR

Single Family Residential
2 beds1 bathLot: 0.43 acresBuilt in 1980

343 Anita Ln, Glide, OR

Single Family Residential
1 bed2 bathsLot: 0.41 acres

358 Anita Ln, Glide, OR

Single Family Residential
3 beds1 bathLot: 0.43 acresBuilt in 1966

379 Anita Ln, Glide, OR

2 beds1 bathLot: 0.43 acresBuilt in 2000

380 Anita Ln, Glide, OR

Single Family Residential
2 beds2 bathsLot: 0.44 acresBuilt in 1980

409 Anita Ln, Glide, OR

Lot: 0.43 acres

House prices on 221-421 Anita Ln, Glide OR

221240259286303343379409418House Number$0$15k$30k$45k$60k$75k$90k$105k$120k$135k$150k$165k$180k$195k$210k$225k$240kPrices

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