Prospect St, Girard OH address records

On 801-5649 Prospect St, Girard OH we have 13 property listings.
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Prospect St, Girard OH street index

Property Number Properties Residents
1-299 37 198
300-499 38 267
500-799 49 248
800+ 13 23

801 Prospect St, Girard, OH 44420

Single Family Residential
3 beds1 bathLot: 0.29 acresBuilt in 1957

802 Prospect St, Girard, OH 44420

Sold Mar 2019 $84,500
Single Family Residential
3 beds2 bathsLot: 0.25 acresBuilt in 1959

1449 Prospect St, Girard, OH

1450 Prospect St, Girard, OH

1470 Prospect St, Girard, OH

1482 Prospect St, Girard, OH

1487 Prospect St, Girard, OH

1506 Prospect St, Girard, OH

1548 Prospect St, Girard, OH

1567 Prospect St, Girard, OH

1635 Prospect St, Girard, OH

1653 Prospect St, Girard, OH

5649 Prospect St, Girard, OH

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List of streets in 44420