Travis Ave, Fairfield CA address records

On 3-182 Travis Ave, Fairfield CA we have 49 property listings.
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Travis Ave, Fairfield CA street index

Property Number Properties Residents
1-199 49 358
200-499 48 456
500-1299 47 683
1300+ 44 113

3 Travis Ave, Fairfield, CA

6 Travis Ave, Fairfield, CA 94535 6 Travis Ave, Travis AFB, CA 94535

10 Travis Ave, Fairfield, CA 94535 10 Travis Ave, Travis AFB, CA 94535

High Rise

10-1 Travis Ave, Fairfield, CA

14 Travis Ave, Fairfield, CA 94535 14 Travis Ave, Travis AFB, CA 94535

High Rise

16 Travis Ave, Fairfield, CA 94535 16 Travis Ave, Travis AFB, CA 94535

18 Travis Ave, Fairfield, CA 94535 18 Travis Ave, Travis AFB, CA 94535

20 Travis Ave, Fairfield, CA 94535 20 Travis Ave, Travis AFB, CA 94535

22 Travis Ave, Fairfield, CA 94535 22 Travis Ave, Travis AFB, CA 94535

24 Travis Ave, Fairfield, CA 94535 24 Travis Ave, Travis AFB, CA 94535

26 Travis Ave, Fairfield, CA 94535 26 Travis Ave, Travis AFB, CA 94535

30 Travis Ave, Fairfield, CA 94535 30 Travis Ave, Travis AFB, CA 94535

High Rise

32 Travis Ave, Fairfield, CA 94535 32 Travis Ave, Travis AFB, CA 94535

High Rise

37 Travis Ave, Fairfield, CA 37 Travis Ave, Travis AFB, CA

54 Travis Ave, Fairfield, CA 94535 54 Travis Ave, Travis AFB, CA 94535

60 Travis Ave, Fairfield, CA 94535 60 Travis Ave, Travis AFB, CA 94535

61 Travis Ave, Fairfield, CA

70 Travis Ave, Fairfield, CA 94535 70 Travis Ave, Travis AFB, CA 94535

84 Travis Ave, Fairfield, CA 94535 84 Travis Ave, Travis AFB, CA 94535

100 Travis Ave, Fairfield, CA 94535 100 Travis Ave, Travis AFB, CA 94535

101 Travis Ave, Fairfield, CA 101 Travis Ave, Travis AFB, CA

102 Travis Ave, Fairfield, CA 94535 102 Travis Ave, Travis AFB, CA 94535

103 Travis Ave, Fairfield, CA 103 Travis Ave, Travis AFB, CA

104 Travis Ave, Fairfield, CA 94535 104 Travis Ave, Travis AFB, CA 94535

106 Travis Ave, Fairfield, CA 94535 106 Travis Ave, Travis AFB, CA 94535

107 Travis Ave, Fairfield, CA 107 Travis Ave, Travis AFB, CA

108 Travis Ave, Fairfield, CA 94535 108 Travis Ave, Travis AFB, CA 94535

110 Travis Ave, Fairfield, CA 94535 110 Travis Ave, Travis AFB, CA 94535

112 Travis Ave, Fairfield, CA 94535 112 Travis Ave, Travis AFB, CA 94535

116 Travis Ave, Fairfield, CA 94535 116 Travis Ave, Travis AFB, CA 94535

High Rise

118 Travis Ave, Fairfield, CA 94535 118 Travis Ave, Travis AFB, CA 94535

High Rise

119 Travis Ave, Fairfield, CA 119 Travis Ave, Travis AFB, CA

120 Travis Ave, Fairfield, CA 94535 120 Travis Ave, Travis AFB, CA 94535

High Rise

122 Travis Ave, Fairfield, CA 94535 122 Travis Ave, Travis AFB, CA 94535

High Rise

126 Travis Ave, Fairfield, CA 94535 126 Travis Ave, Travis AFB, CA 94535

128 Travis Ave, Fairfield, CA 94535 128 Travis Ave, Travis AFB, CA 94535

130 Travis Ave, Fairfield, CA 94535 130 Travis Ave, Travis AFB, CA 94535

131 Travis Ave, Fairfield, CA

132 Travis Ave, Fairfield, CA 94535 132 Travis Ave, Travis AFB, CA 94535

133 Travis Ave, Fairfield, CA 133 Travis Ave, Travis AFB, CA

136 Travis Ave, Fairfield, CA 94535 136 Travis Ave, Travis AFB, CA 94535

139 Travis Ave, Fairfield, CA 139 Travis Ave, Travis AFB, CA

140 Travis Ave, Fairfield, CA 140 Travis Ave, Travis AFB, CA

142 Travis Ave, Fairfield, CA 94535 142 Travis Ave, Travis AFB, CA 94535

145 Travis Ave, Fairfield, CA 145 Travis Ave, Travis AFB, CA

146 Travis Ave, Fairfield, CA 94535 146 Travis Ave, Travis AFB, CA 94535

166 Travis Ave, Fairfield, CA 94535 166 Travis Ave, Travis AFB, CA 94535

170 Travis Ave, Fairfield, CA 94535 170 Travis Ave, Travis AFB, CA 94535

182 Travis Ave, Fairfield, CA 94535 182 Travis Ave, Travis AFB, CA 94535

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