Parkerson Ave, Crowley LA address records

On 1-273 Parkerson Ave, Crowley LA we have 34 property listings.
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Parkerson Ave, Crowley LA street index

Property Number Properties Residents
1-299 32 31
300-499 41 46
500-799 49 103
800-1199 46 129
1200-1799 47 97
1800-2499 46 121
2500+ 7 12

10 Parkerson Ave, Crowley, LA

11 Parkerson Ave, Crowley, LA

101 Parkerson Ave, Crowley, LA

103 Parkerson Ave, Crowley, LA

104 Parkerson Ave, Crowley, LA

109 Parkerson Ave, Crowley, LA

115 Parkerson Ave, Crowley, LA

117 Parkerson Ave, Crowley, LA

118 Parkerson Ave, Crowley, LA

119 Parkerson Ave, Crowley, LA

121 Parkerson Ave, Crowley, LA

123 Parkerson Ave, Crowley, LA

127 Parkerson Ave, Crowley, LA

128 Parkerson Ave, Crowley, LA

High Rise

202 Parkerson Ave, Crowley, LA

204 Parkerson Ave, Crowley, LA

205 Parkerson Ave, Crowley, LA

207 Parkerson Ave, Crowley, LA

208 Parkerson Ave, Crowley, LA

211 Parkerson Ave, Crowley, LA

212 Parkerson Ave, Crowley, LA

216 Parkerson Ave, Crowley, LA

217 Parkerson Ave, Crowley, LA

219 Parkerson Ave, Crowley, LA

220 Parkerson Ave, Crowley, LA

222 Parkerson Ave, Crowley, LA

223 Parkerson Ave, Crowley, LA

224 Parkerson Ave, Crowley, LA

225 Parkerson Ave, Crowley, LA

227 Parkerson Ave, Crowley, LA

228 Parkerson Ave, Crowley, LA

273 Parkerson Ave, Crowley, LA

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List of streets in 70526