Plante Rd, Connor Twp ME address records

On 4-488 Plante Rd, Connor Twp ME we have 19 property listings.

4 Plante Rd, Connor Twp, ME 04736 4 Plante Rd, Caribou, ME 04736

8 Plante Rd, Connor Twp, ME 04736 8 Plante Rd, Caribou, ME 04736

High Rise

12 Plante Rd, Connor Twp, ME 04736 12 Plante Rd, Caribou, ME 04736

Sold Jan 2023 $20,000
2 beds1 bathLot: 672 sqft
12 Plante Rd, Connor Twp, ME 04736

15 Plante Rd, Connor Twp, ME 04736 15 Plante Rd, Caribou, ME 04736

31 Plante Rd, Connor Twp, ME 04736 31 Plante Rd, Caribou, ME 04736

34 Plante Rd, Connor Twp, ME 04736 34 Plante Rd, Caribou, ME 04736

56 Plante Rd, Connor Twp, ME 04736 56 Plante Rd, Caribou, ME 04736

61 Plante Rd, Connor Twp, ME 04736 61 Plante Rd, Caribou, ME 04736

For Sale $485,000
5 beds3 bathsLot: 2,177 sqft

68 Plante Rd, Connor Twp, ME 04736 68 Plante Rd, Caribou, ME 04736

100 Plante Rd, Connor Twp, ME 04736 100 Plante Rd, Caribou, ME 04736

108 Plante Rd, Connor Twp, ME 04736 108 Plante Rd, Caribou, ME 04736

128 Plante Rd, Connor Twp, ME 04736 128 Plante Rd, Caribou, ME 04736

Sold Feb 2022 $340,000
4 beds3 bathsLot: 2,450 sqft
128 Plante Rd, Connor Twp, ME 04736

160 Plante Rd, Connor Twp, ME 04736 160 Plante Rd, Caribou, ME 04736

351 Plante Rd, Connor Twp, ME 351 Plante Rd, New Sweden, ME ; 351 Plante Rd, Caribou, ME

459 Plante Rd, Connor Twp, ME 04736 459 Plante Rd, Caribou, ME 04736

461 Plante Rd, Connor Twp, ME 04736 461 Plante Rd, Caribou, ME 04736

Sold Feb 2024 $70,000
2 beds2 bathsLot: 1,440 sqft
461 Plante Rd, Connor Twp, ME 04736

480 Plante Rd, Connor Twp, ME 04736 480 Plante Rd, Caribou, ME 04736

List of streets in 04736