40Th Ave, Clearlake CA address records

On 16200-16451 40Th Ave, Clearlake CA we have 35 property listings. The average home sale price on 40Th Ave has been $6,116. We have 2 sales listing. Sale starting with $525.
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40Th Ave, Clearlake CA street index

Property Number Properties Residents
3800-15599 44 64
15600-15899 40 28
15900-16199 48 51
16200+ 35 2

16300 40th Ave, Clearlake, CA


16340 40th Ave, Clearlake, CA

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House prices on 16200-16451 40Th Ave, Clearlake CA

1620016210162401625116270162911630016307163201633016340163501636916431House Number$0$2,500$5,000$7,500$10k$13k$15k$18k$20k$23k$25k$28k$30k$33k$35k$38k$40kPrices

List of streets in 95422