231St St, Bronx NY address records

On 1-71 231St St, Bronx NY we have 11 property listings.
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231St St, Bronx NY street index

Property Number Properties Residents
1-99 10 11
100-199 50 302
200-299 75 132
300-599 21 277
600-699 46 1107
700-799 50 938
800-899 47 407
900-999 52 370
1000-1099 46 314
1100+ 20 151

1 231st St, Bronx, NY

7 231st St, Bronx, NY

11 231st St, Bronx, NY

23 231st St, Bronx, NY

49 231st St, Bronx, NY

61 231st St, Bronx, NY

64 231st St, Bronx, NY

71 231st St, Bronx, NY

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