Washington Ave, Battle Creek MI address records

On 14-298 Washington Ave, Battle Creek MI we have 56 property listings. The average home sale price on Washington Ave has been $47k. We have 5 sales listing. Sale starting with $29k.
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Washington Ave, Battle Creek MI street index

Property Number Properties Residents
1-299 48 225
300-399 23 71
400-599 39 195
600-799 26 126
800+ 51 232

14 Washington Ave, Battle Creek, MI

20 Washington Ave, Battle Creek, MI

22 Washington Ave, Battle Creek, MI

31 Washington Ave, Battle Creek, MI

36 Washington Ave, Battle Creek, MI

42 Washington Ave, Battle Creek, MI

47 Washington Ave, Battle Creek, MI

50 Washington Ave, Battle Creek, MI

74 Washington Ave, Battle Creek, MI

High Rise
Federal Center

100 Washington Ave, Battle Creek, MI

115 Washington Ave, Battle Creek, MI

129 Washington Ave, Battle Creek, MI

131 Washington Ave, Battle Creek, MI

135 Washington Ave, Battle Creek, MI

Army Reserve Center

160 Washington Ave, Battle Creek, MI

165 Washington Ave, Battle Creek, MI

Battle Creek Adventist Hospital

197 Washington Ave, Battle Creek, MI

200 Washington Ave, Battle Creek, MI

202 Washington Ave, Battle Creek, MI

214 Washington Ave, Battle Creek, MI

219 Washington Ave, Battle Creek, MI

220 Washington Ave, Battle Creek, MI

222 Washington Ave, Battle Creek, MI

Single Family Residential
Lot: 10,019 sqft

225 Washington Ave, Battle Creek, MI

226 Washington Ave, Battle Creek, MI

Lot: 8,712 sqft

228 Washington Ave, Battle Creek, MI

229 Washington Ave, Battle Creek, MI

For Sale $89,900
Lot: 4,792 sqft
229 Washington Ave, Battle Creek, MI

232 Washington Ave, Battle Creek, MI

Lot: 8,712 sqft

233 Washington Ave, Battle Creek, MI

Single Family Residential
Lot: 3,920 sqft

234 Washington Ave, Battle Creek, MI

237 Washington Ave, Battle Creek, MI

Single Family Residential
Lot: 7,841 sqft

244 Washington Ave, Battle Creek, MI

Single Family Residential
Lot: 10,019 sqft

250 Washington Ave, Battle Creek, MI

255 Washington Ave, Battle Creek, MI

Single Family Residential
Lot: 0.35 acres

260 Washington Ave, Battle Creek, MI

263 Washington Ave, Battle Creek, MI

Lot: 5,663 sqft

264 Washington Ave, Battle Creek, MI

265 Washington Ave, Battle Creek, MI

Single Family Residential
Lot: 5,663 sqft

267 Washington Ave, Battle Creek, MI

278 Washington Ave, Battle Creek, MI

279 Washington Ave, Battle Creek, MI

283 Washington Ave, Battle Creek, MI

Single Family Residential
Lot: 7,405 sqft

287 Washington Ave, Battle Creek, MI

Lot: 6,534 sqft

290 Washington Ave, Battle Creek, MI

291 Washington Ave, Battle Creek, MI

292 Washington Ave, Battle Creek, MI

295 Washington Ave, Battle Creek, MI

Lot: 6,098 sqft

298 Washington Ave, Battle Creek, MI

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House prices on 14-298 Washington Ave, Battle+Creek MI

222226229232233237244255263265283287295House Number$0$10k$20k$30k$40k$50k$60k$70k$80kPrices

List of streets in 49037