Amarillo, Texas Property Information

Rehold Reverse Address Lookup and City Search Directory for Amarillo, TX

Find the name and contact information for anyone by their mailing address. The Rehold reverse address lookup allows you to search for any address you know or sort through an address directory to find the right one. Search Amarillo, TX to find out who owns and resides near you or in any neighborhood that you visit.

Street starts with:
1-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

66 streets starting with 1..9 found

Street Properties Residents
1ST AVE 164 655
2ND AVE 200 1,112
3RD AVE 311 1,104
4TH AVE 163 619
5TH AVE 203 706
6TH AVE 334 1,185
7TH AVE 224 1,543
8TH AVE 213 1,013
9TH AVE 310 2,643
10TH AVE 516 2,403
11TH AVE 435 2,672
12TH AVE 364 2,068
13TH AVE 377 2,024
14TH AVE 370 1,928
15TH AVE 432 2,898
16TH AVE 395 3,644
17TH AVE 232 1,126
18TH AVE 185 880
19TH AVE 212 882
20TH AVE 233 1,209
21ST AVE 168 829
22ND AVE 175 808
23RD AVE 125 544
24TH AVE 129 483
25TH AVE 80 338
26TH AVE 132 622
27TH AVE 131 1,790
28TH AVE 175 1,694
29TH AVE 70 284
30TH AVE 64 303
31ST AVE 66 340
32ND AVE 81 350
33RD AVE 120 526
34TH AVE 234 1,927
35TH AVE 97 457
36TH AVE 106 432
37TH AVE 99 473
38TH AVE 98 497
39TH AVE 60 258
40TH AVE 72 269
41ST AVE 53 202
42ND AVE 55 235
43RD AVE 54 236
44TH AVE 32 148
45TH AVE 188 4,371
46TH AVE 23 198
47TH AVE 7 10
48TH AVE 99 488
49TH AVE 72 939
50TH AVE 60 335
51ST AVE 29 1,272
52ND AVE 10 47
53RD AVE 33 144
54TH AVE 9 596
55TH AVE 21 101
57TH AVE 60 397
58TH AVE 67 344
59TH AVE 33 78
60TH AVE 51 153
61ST AVE 70 183
62ND AVE 16 38
76TH AVE 5 8
77TH AVE 33 135
81ST AVE 29 730
83RD AVE 3 8
114TH AVE 10 43
Street starts with:
1-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z