Elk St, Alexander ND address records

On 308-908 Elk St, Alexander ND we have 18 property listings.
All Properties For Sale
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308 Elk St, Alexander, ND

1 bed1 bath

312 Elk St, Alexander, ND

407 Elk St, Alexander, ND

504 Elk St, Alexander, ND

520 Elk St, Alexander, ND

602 Elk St, Alexander, ND


606 Elk St, Alexander, ND

616 Elk St, Alexander, ND

619 Elk St, Alexander, ND

620 Elk St, Alexander, ND

701 Elk St, Alexander, ND

3 bathsLot: 9,120 sqft

704 Elk St, Alexander, ND

710 Elk St, Alexander, ND

718 Elk St, Alexander, ND

804 Elk St, Alexander, ND

821 Elk St, Alexander, ND

901 Elk St, Alexander, ND

908 Elk St, Alexander, ND

For Sale $1,395,000
908 Elk St, Alexander, ND

List of streets in 58831